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The NBX Event in Warsaw, Poland was a massive collaborative effort between local Kaspa Ambassadors, Core team members the Rhubarbarians via The Community Marketing Fund (CMF) and The Kaspa Ecosystem Foundation (KEF)  With little over a month of preparation and just off a very successful Hong Kong event, everything flowed into place!

Read the Event Proposal to see all that went into the event.

Official report from Maja.

Kaspa Currency at the Next Block Expo in Warsaw

On the verge of the bitcoin halving the Warsaw crypto world has begun to wake up from the long bear sleep. As leaves and flowers already sprung, the crypto community met in the centre of Warsaw on the Next Block Expo event on the 15th and 16th of May in Multikino Złote Tarasy.

As a member of the Kaspa team, I am thrilled to share our experience at the Next Block Expo (NBX) in Warsaw, which was held on May 15-16, 2024. This prestigious event, part of the Polish Blockchain Week, was a monumental gathering for blockchain enthusiasts, innovators, and industry leaders worldwide.

The Kaspa team’s participation was a massive collaborative effort, featuring local ambassadors, core team members, and support from the Kaspa Ecosystem Foundation (KEF) and the Community Marketing Fund (CMF). It was all made possible by @Rhubarbarian (Chad Ballantyne) who oversaw and co-organized from overseas and despite not participating in person at the event, was the most important piece of the collaboration puzzle. The Community Marketing Fund also enabled enough merchandise to get to Warsaw. (Printed locally!)

Our primary goal was to introduce Kaspa’s cutting-edge BlockDAG technology to a broader audience and establish meaningful connections within the Eastern European blockchain community. One of the highlights of our participation was the presence of Eyal Yablonka and Shai Wyborski, core team members of Kaspa, who played a crucial role in representing our technological advancements. Eyal was a featured speaker at the event, delivering a captivating presentation that delved into the unique aspects and future roadmap of Kaspa’s technology. Eyal and Shai participated in a very interesting panel, discussing the current shape of mining.

Throughout the expo, we engaged with attendees at our dedicated booth, where we showcased live demonstrations of Kaspa’s technology and its potential applications. Lively chats accompanied by giving away many Kaspa t-shirts!

One of the most exciting aspects of the expo was the opportunity to network. Using the dedicated NBX networking app, our team arranged numerous meetings with potential investors, partners, and blockchain enthusiasts.

This facilitated over 1,800 interactions, showcasing the vibrant and collaborative atmosphere of the event.

In addition to our official participation, we hosted a Kaspa Fam Meetup at Tel Aviv Poznańska, a local restaurant. This informal gathering allowed us to connect more personally with our community members and discuss future projects and collaborations in a relaxed setting. There was even an official NBX badge signing for a huge fan of Shai! The atmosphere was amazing.

Overall, the Next Block Expo in Warsaw was an incredible success for Kaspa. It provided us with a platform to demonstrate our innovative technology, engage with the blockchain community, and foster new partnerships. We managed to put a Kaspa sticker in nearly every pocket at the event and share loads of Kaspa insight with the Polish audience. We are grateful for the support from our community and look forward to continuing Kaspa’s journey throughout Poland and Europe.

Media Interview with Shai and Eyal