Chinese Kaspa Community XSpace Ep13 – Kasplex

Chinese Kaspa Community XSpace Ep13 – Kasplex

#Kaspa Chinese Community Biweekly Space Ep13 Theme: Kasplex AMA Time: 2024.05.05 Sunday 8pm, Moderator: Dr. Jason @Badsucker666 Guests: #Kasplex @kasplex and its founder @5bb55b Transcripted & Translated by the bot of Dr. Jason. Reviewed by SHL, Captain Sats...
On Crypto Forks

On Crypto Forks

The differences and reasons of hard and soft forks. Crypto Forks Do you ever wonder what a fork actually is in cryptocurrency? What is the difference between a hard and a soft fork, and why does it matter? Why do people make such a big deal over a fork in the road?...
A Kaspa Performance Update

A Kaspa Performance Update

New Mempool Implementation Manages Thousands of Pending Transactions Rusty Kaspa Mempool Update Kaspa recently unveiled another significant advancement in the performance of their mempool, a term referring to the temporary holding space for unconfirmed transactions....